Wednesday, August 22, 2007

April 23: Home at last

After the Celebrity Tour on Saturday, we decided to head on to Ontario to where the airport was. It's about an hour from Palm Springs on I-10. We scoped out a place to eat supper, then headed on to the airport and waited for a couple hours until our flight at 11:00 PM. Finally, the time came and we were on our way home. It was a 3 1/2 hour flight to Atlanta and then we had an 8:22 flight to Pensacola. Since we were coming from the West Coast, we lost three hours so needless to say we felt like walking zombies! Fortunately, our flights were great and we made it home about 9:45 Sunday morning. We were greeted by smiling faces and a big hug from Megan. Tyler was finishing a bottle, but took a quick break to greet us. Our trip was wonderful and we're so thankful that we had the opportunity to go, but it was so great to be home.

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